Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Short Story: This too shall pass!

Once, there was a king who was unhappy despite having everything. He shared his grief with his ministers and told them to find nine wisest men in the kingdom. The ministers searched far and wide till they found the wise men. The King asked the wise men to create a ring which could ensure happiness. They expressed their inability to do so. The King became further depressed on seeing no solution to his problem.

One of the wise men's son used to often visit a Sufi master in his quest for wisdom. When the child saw the king unhappy, he laughed. The court was dumbfounded when the child asked the King as to how could he expect a wise man to work under him? The child pointed out that wisdom couldn't be achieved with power; but comes with surrender.

The king agreed and asked the child to sit on the throne, while he himself sat under the child's feet to seek his help. Wisdom seemed to flow down from the child. The child asked for a normal ring and whispered something into the goldsmith's ears, standing nearby. A ring was crafted but it looked so unusual that the King could not understand how it could solve all problems. Looking closely, the King saw four words etched on it -"This too shall pass". The moment the king read the words, he realised that his problem indeed had been solved.

Source: Thakur, B. (2003). Yoga for Stress Relief. Wisdom Tree. India.

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